DdFrancis Family Happy Birthday Angel Caylee August 9, 2011
Denise/Angel Y deFrancis Happy Birthday In Heaven Caylee August 9, 2011
Carol, mom to Michael Carico Precious Caylee Marie July 13, 2011
Angel Kelli's mom Lorraine Caylee's Law July 12, 2011
Dear Precious baby girl,
How does another mommy tell you how her heart hurts for your loss. Know that love conquers all and that America is trying to get "Caylee's Law" in effect so, that by your injustice there will be justice to other little ones who otherwise may not be reported missing such as yourself by those in a position of trust.

I'm so sorry precious angel that it cost you everything,

Love and Kisses little angel,

Angel Kelli's mom, Lorraine
Angel Kelli's mom Lorraine America Loves You / I love You July 12, 2011

Denise/To Caylee Have Fun @ The Beach with Winnie The Pooch July 12, 2011
Cathy Giraud ~In Loving Memory~ July 10, 2011
Melissa Scatto Rest in Sweet Peace Babygirl~ (((Caylee))) July 10, 2011
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